Copyright Law for Home Builders
Copyright Law for Home Builders

Copyright Law for Home Builders

New edition


31 Pages, 8.5 x 11

Formats: ebook: PDF

ebook: PDF, $8.99 (CA $8.99) (US $8.99)

Publication Date: January 2009

ISBN 9780867186505

Price: $8.99
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This clear and practical explanation of copyright laws covers builders sketches, plans, and habitable buildings. The new edition incorporates recent case scenarios and sample contract language to protect the following: Your copyrightable sketches, plans, and structures • Your rights to the plans you purchase from architects and others • You from third-party lawsuits for plagiarism It also provides a sample franchise agreement for home plans, a sample reciprocal agreement, a fact sheet to educate your customers about copyright law, and a glossary.

Author Biography

David Crump is the Director of Legal Research for NAHB’s Office of the General Counsel. David administers NAHB's Legal Research Program, and provides construction liability guidance on a diverse range of subjects from immigration enforcement to green building liability. His publications include "Contracts and Liability - 5th Edition", “Warranties for Builders and Remodelers – 2nd Edition", and "Copyright Law for Homebuilders". His article, “The Risks and Rewards of Green Building”, was published in the New Jersey Law Journal. David is a graduate of The University of Virginia School of Law, and frequently speaks at NAHB educational programs on housing related legal issues. His 35 plus years of legal experience include 19 years as the municipal attorney for Front Royal, Virginia, and 6 years as General District Court Judge for Virginia's 26th Judicial Circuit.